En poco tiempo, los refugiados de Yellow Gumpa pasaron de unos 150 a 400 aproximadamente. Venian no solo de Langtang, sinó también de todos los poblados de alrededor como Gumba, Sindum, Mundu o Kianjin Gumpa…
Para poder acomodar a tantas personas y poder pasar allí la temporada de lluvias se tuvieron que hacer infraestructuras temporales con bamboo y plásticos, aparte de conseguir tiendas de campaña y mantas para todos.
Hicieron unos lavabos y unas duchas, ya que no había suficiente con las letrinas del monasterio para tantas personas y comenzaba a haber problemas sanitarios de diarreas y infecciones…
También utilizaron planchas de metal para construir una cocina.
Una de las cosas importantes era abastecerse de comida, agua potable y gas diariamente. Y también recoger todas las basuras y mantener el campamento limpio.
Entre todos y con ayuda de alguna ONG local y voluntarios se organizaron para mantener todas estas tareas al día.
Personalmente me parece un gran ejemplo de coordinación en momentos de crisis, sin recibir ninguna ayuda por parte del gobierno, solo contando con sus propios medios y ingenio. Esto demuestra que, estando unidos, es un pueblo que va hacia adelante siempre a pesar de las dificultades.
3 comentarios en «Campamento Yellow Gumpa»
We met Tenzing and his mother Dawa while trekking five years ago, on the way from Chyamki to Gumba. My wife and I were deeply moved by the meeting and we made company uphill. I helped Tenzing´s walk. Coming up we were invited inside for a cup of tea. We met some of their relatives and talked. We agreed that we should try to meet again. Before leaving I knelt before this boy, something I have never done before anyone else. When we came out of the house there was a full rainbow over the upper valley. We didn´t know then but have learnt later that a rainbow is an auspicious phenomenon. With time it has become important for us as well.
We felt a desire to help this boy and his family and with the help of a friend i Kathmandu we managed to send a messenger to ask the family if they wanted our support.
Two years later he moved to a special school, DRC Nepal in Gokarna. He has been living there for two whole years. I suppose it was some relatives and other Langtangpas that took him back to the DRC family. An example of the cooperative and caring spirit of the Langtang community.
He is the sweetest boy, so helpful and considerate. In the school they sat that every time they need someone of the children to do some task, he is the first to report that he is willing. He has been making great progress in these two years, learnt to read, his speech has improved and regular physiotherapy has improved his mobility. It is so incredibly sad that he lost his whole family, such loving people. But Tenzing is meant to live, and he is a very brave soul.
I wish i could be with him this time, so difficult for so many. My comfort is that I know he is well cared for at the DRC.
Hello Hans, thank you so much for sharing your moving contact with Tenzin. And I want to let the whole world know that although Tenzin is physically handicap he is very strong mentally. Thank you Hans for giving this charming boy a light to his darkness. You are amazing.
Tenzing is an amazing child. The real gems are hidden beyond appearances.