Spanish Civil Guard helps Langtang
There are many individuals, associations, NGOs and INGO’s to whom the people of Langtang will always remain thankful to. One of those association is Guardias Civiles Solidarios AGCS
There are many individuals, associations, NGOs and INGO’s to whom the people of Langtang will always remain thankful to. One of those association is Guardias Civiles Solidarios AGCS
On Saturday December 12 in Barcelona it premiered the Kilian Jornet Documentary film about the Avalanche in Langtang. The documentary was the excuse to present a
We are an NGO in Nepal managed from Spain. We focus on the area of Langtang supporting the poorest families to promote sustainable development in the area.
NGOs that from Bolzano (Italy) have been working with the people of Langtang after the earthquake of 2015. In April 2017 we carried out the first joint actions and since then we have not stopped collaborating. Thanks to them we can carry out all the direct aid projects in Langtang.