
FUJUNG- The old Lama

Finally after 27 days of nighmare in Nepal and specifically in Langtang, my father could perfrom the funeral ceremony of his brother. Our family searched him for many days. His name is Fujung (65) was an old LAMA (monk) who had always lived alone in a small house. Always believed in good Karma. He never had a child of his own but always felt that the kids of his brother were his own children.

His dream was to see all his 5 daughters (daughter of his brother) in a weeding dress so that he could give them blessings. He wished to play and take care of grandchildren. But yes, the nature has splited on his face, the avalanche kicked him so hard that he couldn´t dare to dream anymore.

He was burried in rocks and ice in Langtang during the earthquake followed by massive avalache in Langtang. He was alive there for 5 days and on the 6th day he was taken out of where he was buried by my father and few Langtang men. He couldn´t talk because of injury. Later rescued by an army helicopter to hospital in Kathmandu. But just before his flight, he gave the signal of money to my father. My father understood and went to the buried place and found 50,000 Nepalis Rupees in small box. This was his whole life saving. He used to tell us that one day he will make a beautiful present on me and my siblings weeding.. His condition was extremely critical but doctors had decided not to keep him in ICU because of inadequate resources. Also he was old and a cripple (hándicap) by birth. He would deprive someone younger and able-bodied of life-saving facilities.

Now starts the second tragedy. His report showed several hypothermia,cerebral infraction, subdural hematoma and pelvic fracture. Inspite of his condition being one of the most serious cases in the hospital, he was not in intensive care. There were not enough ventilators. Forget ventilators, there weren´t even enough thermometers. He was just left to his fate by overworked doctors with nothing but an oxygen mask and an inexperienced volunteer at his side.


It was discovered late into the night that his x-ray report showing pelvic fracture belonged to someone else. With so many earthquake victims in the same hospital, such mistakes were a common occurance apparently. A new x-ray of his lungs showed traces of aspiration pneumonia which could have been treated hours ago to improve the chances of survival. It was probably too late now because his blood count has reduced to extremely low levels but the doctors decided to give him PRP (platelet rich plasma) transfusión. Finally he was given a ventilator machine and operated on by several doctors after suffering so much, neglected both in the avalanche of langtang and in hospital. But the same night he was operated, he closed his eyes and said good bye forever. His body was kept in another hospital May 22. My father was desperate in knowing if he was ok or not. Noone had any news of him. At last we posted a photo of him on social network and one kind volunteer contacted us.

His hándicap has prevented him from escaping the earthquake and from receiving proper treatment. He was discriminated against by both the nature and man.


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