
Retrieving access to recover tourism

On the website of the Trekking Association of Nepal (TAAN) we saw a notice of May 14, 2015, where the government has proposed a plan for the recovery of mountain tourism. They think the first thing to do is to rehabilitate the paths to the different areas affected by the earthquake and avalanches. Estimated a cost of 400 million Nepali Rupis (4 million of euros approx.) And that the works would be completed in two years at most. We hope to approve the Plan of Action and as soon as possible can get to work, because as many families, apart from the survival economy offered by the field and animals, they depend on tourism to cope and recover.


Nepal is not an industrial country. The average value of the industry in Nepal is 15.21% of GDP.

Almost all the industries are imported from China and India. How can such a poor country be an importing? Nepal has 6,000 rivers, glaciers and snowy peaks, the country is one of the largest and richest in the water resources in the world; this resource is more than sufficient to meet the demand of electricity in the country d and moreover export to China and India. But everything depends on how it is moved by the government because it has not been able to provide electricity to the capital Kathmandu itself.

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Agriculture still is the greatest source of economy for the people. About 80% of the people are farmers providing 37% of GDP.  Therefore it is very important to repair the roads that links the villages of mountains, so that people can regain their agricultural activities and continue to interact with tourists, our friends.


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