Solidarity Trips and donations
Over the last months, we have been contacted for many people asking for information regarding some of the families they meet at anytime in the past during their trekkings in Langtang Valley, even some tourists that were in the affected areas by the time of earthquake came back to us later on asking for specific people to know if they survived the avalanche….We tried our best to provide them with all the information and also gave them the direct contacts of the people who might be able to help them personally. We also distributed money coming from private sources to specific people, as it was impossible to contact with them from their originary countries. We tried to work in the linkage between those people to create relationships for assistance in the long term.
We also released to the world stories of bravery and overcoming of some of the people who let us write about them….thanks to that we had direct funds for some of those people. Its a big pleasure and such a gratifying feeling to realize how some people have the capacity of empathy, they understand the situation and they want to offer their help.
The touristic seasson is about to start now with the end of the rains and many people want to travel to Nepal and at the same time bring some help to their citiziens. Some people contacted us as per their interest about langtang and asking for the current situation over there, the possibilities for trekking, the dangers which might afford and also the better way to help directly once in there. We do really appreciate and thank to all of them for the nice aim to offer aid and we did provide the most reliable information available about the current situation to make the best of their trip plan.
We try to have the option for them to meet directly with the village’s people to hep them in place and then realize which are the real needs, they can also have a local guide during the trip to interplay easier.
Some of the travellers were already in Langtang’s area in the past, for others it will be first time but main idea for they all is making of this experience a solidary trip to improve the life of the locals. Actually, my honestly thinking is that for those people travelling that way it makes from their trip such a big and intense experience of life which will remain with them forever and they will create relashionships with locals who might even also last forever.
Once in Kathmandu, there are many individual tourists, associations, and small NGOs that decide to make their donations directly to Comité para la Reconstrucción de Langtang. They receive them in there, they explain with detail the priorities and they agree in the use of the money received from the donations and the donants receive a certificate that the donation has been done.
- 16 February 2016- Trek Relief
Dear Friends,
We are happy to announce latest donation for rebuilding phase by Candice Young through Trek Relief of $5000 (five thousand US dollar) to our committee. Trek Relief organize volunteers trek to Langtang.
Thank you whole team of Trek Relief team for their continues support.
With Regards, Lhakpa Tamang Jangba.
- 22 December 2016– Trek Relief
Dear Friends,
We Langtang Committee are very happy to announce that we got donation to rebuild Langtang village from Candice Young Group ( TrekRelief ) in two portion first $6000 and second $4000 with total $10000 and did a lot of hard work to promote Langtang tourism. They were one who send many volunteers into Langtang village where they volunteers into orphan family home reconstruction. Thank you whole team of Trek Relief and Candice Young for your very valuable time to support Langtang Community. We will always remember your unforgettable support. We hope to get more support from you in future again.
- 26 June 2016- SANO MADAD.
Dear Friends,
We committee are very happy to announce the donation donated by Sano Madad, Germany the amount of Rs. 23,90,609/- (Twenty three lakhs ninety thousand six hundred and nine rupees ) which was specially for buying cements. Comittee gave 40 sacks where each sack contain 25kg to all 116 families. Thank you Sano Madad organisation for your continously supporting Langtangpas.
- 14 May 2016– Association Tibètains Peuples de l’Himalaya(TPH)
Dear friends and well wishers,
We are very pleased to announce €10000.00 (Ten Thousands Euros) which is Rs. 1190900.00 (Eleven lakhs ninety thousands and nine Hundred rupees ) donated by Association Tibètains Peuples de l’Himalaya(TPH) from France who have donated previously as well. This donation was used for buying cements for reconstruction of Langtangpas home. All families get equal amount of cements and some extra for very badly affected families in Langtang valley. We committee of Langtangpas are very thankful to My friend Jeangilles , Maryse, Martine,JF and whole teams of Tibètains Peuples de l’Himalaya organisation and all donors behind this fund. We Langtangpas are extremely very happy that you have not forgotten us. Thank you.
2 April 2016- SOS HIMALAYA.
SOS Himalaya delivery materials for Langtang worth 60.000€. Also 5.000€ had been given to the Committee of Langtang especially to hire outside workers to help clean all areas of Upper Langtang that will eventually be used to build new homes or prepare fields to cultivate.
We had the opportunity to chat and learn more about Maria Climent,the current president of SOS Himalaya. Today I can safely call her a great friend and would like to say Thank you very much again to Maria, Kilian and Jordi for your great help.
18 Fabruary 2016- TARA DEWA ONLUS
Dear friends,
Donation Received from TARA Dewa Onlus organizations Italy through Wanggyal dai to Langtang community total sum €9957.00 ( Rs. 1142067.90 ). We committee like to Thank you on behalf of all Langtangpas to Wanggyal Lama from TARA Dewa Onlus organization from Italy and all donors behind them. Thank you. We Langtang community is getting help from all world families but still it’s not enough for rebuilding whole Langtang Village. Please donate us.
15 Fabruary 2016- SANO MADAD
Dear friends,
We committee are very happy to announce that the help we got from Sano Madad, Germany which provide 740 pieces of plywood (8×4 feet and 6 mm in thickness) through Lhakpa Dindu Tamang who is their local representative in Langtang Village. Information provided by Lhakpa Dindu that they spend total sum Rs. 1072000 ( $10720 ) including transportion up to Dunche. We committee like to thank you whole team of Sano Madad on behalf of all Langtangpas.
Our second phase of plywood will be transported to Langtang from 26 February 2016 where many others organisations have contributed.
1. Andrew Mellor (buy and help a cause ) $1000
2. Run for Nepal ($1600 )
3. Rebuild Langtang ( $17000)
4. Association Langtang Reconstruction ( €20000)
5. Sustainable step Nepal ( Langtang Valley Health Australia ) ( $18700)
6.Petra and Dietrich Schwaderlapp “Ukalo”
Germany ($ 5500)
Thank you all for your continuous support toward Langtangpas community. All contributor your helped plywood will be transported to Langtang at different spot where Langtangpas will rebuild from 26 February 2016 and it will be finished by 5 days.
We committee still appeal that we need more support, please do whatever way you can. Your support is needed. Our next target is cement, one family needed 50 sack of cements and we got 12 sack of cements already but now we need 38 sack of cements more for each family. We have 116 families. Please forward this message to everyone and contribute whatever way is best for you. Have a nice time.
6 January 2016- THANK YOU OM Nepal Organisation for their great support. From the NGO OM Nepal: As the villagers in Langtang continue to rebuild their homes after the 2015 earthquake, OM Nepal delivered 116 metal stoves on 3 January to help these families have warm meals during these cold months.Altogether 8 helicopter trips were needed to bring the provisions to Langtang. Special thanks to Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) for their support!
5 January 2016- Donation Received from Association Langtang Reconstruction, France.
Dear friends and well wishers of Langtangpas,
We are extremely very happy to get support from Association Langtang Reconstruction, France who have donated 20000€ which is Rs. 2294000.00. We committee on behalf of all Langtangpas like to thank you Aymeric Clouet (president of Reconstruction Langtang ) and Pauline and everyone behind this fund raising. We Langtangpas have no words how to express our thankfulness towards all donors and whole team of Reconstruction Langtang, France teams. As your donation will be used for plywood board project which will benifit all 116 families.
Here is their email to us:
Dear all,
We are pleased to announced that we send 20,000 € by transfer to LMRC bank account on the 19th of december from France.This money has been given by european people, friends and family of us who are very happy to help you in your reconstruction effort.
We saw that you are thinking of using this amount to buy plywood sheet. That’s ok for us.
We are totally confident in your decision to use our donation. We just want that this money will be used only for direct house reconstruction.
Thanks for your good energy.
Aymeric Clouet, President of Langtang Reconstruction, France.
21 December 2015- REBUILD LANGTANG DONATED 17000$ FOR BUYING PLYWOOD BOARDRebuild Langtang is fund raiser group from Swiss who has sold post card across 27 different countries to 173 people who supported the campaign.
They have raise 17000$ which is Rs.1763551.41 which recently transfer to LMnRe committee account for buying plywood board for all 116 families of Langtang Village. Once we meet our goal of reaching 85000$ to buy 50 pieces of plywood to each family we will transport them to Langtang village. At the moment we have 49300$ and addition 17000$ of Rebuild Langtang which will be 66300$ in total and still missing 18700$ so anyone interested to cover the missing fund then please welcome and be part of it. Thank you entire team of Rebuild Langtang for your great support to Langtang community. We committee are very thankful to those 173 people from 27 countries who support Rebuild Langtang Campaign.Here what Rebuild Langtang want to say, “The Rebuild Langtang team would like to thank all the 173 people from 27 different countries who supported the campaign. We are very excited to see things developing and wish you all the best for the future, to all Langtangpas!Regards, Rebuild Langtang Team”.
16 December 2015- Good news for Yak Herders families.
In our previous post (21 October) we have mention about Dzomo project for Yak Herders families which first years plan donation has arrived in committee bank account. The project is to help remaining 22 Yak Herders families for recovering their lost Dzomo (hybrid of cow and yak) for preserving and continuing Yak nomads culture inside the Langtang Valley which has been followed for centuries by Langtangpas.
We committee received Rs 2.025.000 for buying 45 Dzomos as the first year support by DZOMO FUND of Langtang Plan (Japanese NGO). Thanks alot Ayako Sadakane (Cici) for your kind support to Langtang people.This fund will be handed to Yak herders committee group led by Mr. Ten Jangbu Lama for buying 45 new Dzomos because Yak herders they know which kind of Dzomo are better for them for knowing good quality and selecting young Dzomo but Langtang Management committee inspect their work as monitoring because it’s three year plan and this year they get Rs. 2025000 for 45 Dzomos and second year also they get 45 Dzomos and final third year they get 10 Dzomos. Thank you for Dzomo Project which is run by The Langtang Plan on behalf of all Langtangpas for your great afford of preserving Yak Nomads in Langtang valley.
With best regards, Temba Lama Chairman
Posted by Lhakpa Tamang Jangba Secretary
Communication board team LMnRe committee
24 November 2015 – Dear friends,
Andrew Mellor who was trying his best to support Langtang community from his side. We are very pleased to received Rs. 100000.00 which is US$ 1000.00 for buying plywood for families of Langtangpas. Andrew supported Langtang Design for Jewellery making project. We committee are very Thankful to Andrew Mellor and entire team Langtang Yak Wool group for their kind humanitarian work they are doing.
With best regards, Temba Lama Chairman.
LMnRe committee Lhakpa Tamang Jangba, Secretary.
LMnRe Committee Communication board Team.
24 November 2015 – Dear friends, We got another donation for buying plywood from Rachel Sykes who collected donation from Rachel’s Run for Nepal in Australia. She had donated US1600$ which was Rs. 163500.00 in nepali. Thank you Rachel and all people behind these fund raising. We Langtangpas will never forget you kind support. We like to request other as well to not forget about Langtangpas and Langtang community. Please donate whatever way is suitable for you.
Thank you Temba Lama Chairman.
LMnRe committee Lhakpa Tamang Jangba Secretary.
LMnRe Committee Communication board Team
24 November 2015 – Dear friends and well wishers,
Today we are very happy to announce our friends from Australia Tess and Eliza Arnold have collected fund through photos exhibition and showing videos. We Langtangpas are very grateful for their hard work and their kind support to our committee. We LMnRe committee are very Thankful to Tess, Eliza Arnold and entire group for their wonderful work they have done for Langtangpas. We en received 5000$ (Australian dollar) which is Rs. 366950.00 in nepali. Thank you and here is what they want to say about it.
Message from Tess and Eliza below.
Our art exhibition fundraiser!
The black and white writing and photos are from myself an Eliza and our story about our experience in Lantang Valley during the earthquake. The other art was donated so we could auction it to raise money. It was very successful and lots of people came, awareness was spread and lots of funds raised.
We also had a video playing with footage from the earthquake and lots of footage from after the earthquake of what was to be rebuilt. We said some words and showed another video made by our friend Mike Sherman while he was there, a very beautiful and powerful video about the magic of Nepal and its people. If you would like a copy please contact Mike Sherman.
I hope this is helpful and you enjoy looking through the photos ? xx Tess and Eliza. You can see the exposition in this Facebook link.
With best regards, Lhakpa Jangba & Communication Team.
5 November 2015 – La Asociación Española Guardias Civiles Solidarios signed together with the Committee for Reconstruction of Langtang an agreement whereby the former committed to the same month will be given to the population of the valley 116 blankets and 116 pressure cookers for a total of 116 families (600 people). These have been acquired by AGCS. To read more information click here: BOLETIN DIGITAL DE LA AGCS NEPAL.
3 November 2015 – Dear friends and well wishers of Langtangpas, Meredith Potts from USA, Arizona has donated Rs. 1500000/- ( $15000) throught Mrs. Cheten Tamang of Langtang-1 who lives in USA too for relief by necessities of Langtangpas requirements. They help families for paying house rents, buying equipments, buying foods, etc by seeing condition of families for their requirements. Some families took cash as well. All the money has been used for the Langtangpas families under survey of Chheten Tamang herself with help of Langtang Management and Reconstruction Committee. We committee are very grateful to all donors behind Meredith Potts and Chheten Tamang for their generous support and understanding sorrow of Langtangpas. With many Thanks, Temba Lama Chairman.
2 November 2015 – Donation from Wales. Two day before we met Kevin and Shirley Payne from Wales. They have collected some fund of £600 from people of Lcanfajrfechan part of Wales. We committee and all Langtangpas are very grateful to Kevin, Shirley Payne and all donor behind them. Our chairman has exchange this sum into nepali ruppees which is Rs.94200.00 (Ninety four thousands and two hundreds only) which deposited into committee bank account for rebuilding purpose. Rebuilding will starts from March 2016. Thank you With regards, Temba Lama Chairman.
21 October 2015 – DZOMO PROJECT (Preserving the old traditional of Yak herdering nomad culture inside Langtang Valley) Few days before we had meeting with The Langtang Plan organisation from Japan. The Langtang Plan organisation starts project called Dzomo fund for the Yak herders of Langtang. The main focus is to preserved the old traditional way of Yak herdering from Langtang Valley. Dzomo is hybrid of Yak and cow, if male born it’s called Dzopkyo and if female born then it’s called Dzomo which might called mountain cow. These special kind of hybrid Dzomo is especially used for milking and can adopt both cold and hot climate. Mrs. AYAKO SADAKANE (Cici) from The Langtang Plan organisation , JAPAN has told us that they will help to replaced 100 Dzomos which has been killed in earthquake and avalanches of 25 April 2015. It will help Yak herders families much more reliefs and motivates them to keep the traditional of Dzomo nomad inside Langtang Valley which has been followed by many centuries. It’s three years plan and every first two years they will provide fund for 40 Dzomos and third year they will provide 20 Dzomos. This project is not only helping reviving yak herders families but also help in improving social economic condition of families too. The most important thing is to preserve the traditional yak cheese which was first ever made in whole Nepal. Yak cheese history starts from Langtang valley and later on other mountain areas. To starts the project first 40 Dzomos will be provide by November 2016. We LMnRe committee would like to thank the whole team of Dzomo fund ( We hope it will give good strength to the yak herders families to raise again. With best regards, Temba Lama , Chairman LMnRe committee.
6 October 2015- Namaste! Today we are very happy to announce that our fund raise from Denver, Colorado, USA, The Langtang Nepal Karma Fund has donated his remaining fund to the LMnRe committee for reconstruction of Langtang. The Langtang Nepal Karma Fund has donated 20,000.00$ (Rs. 20,00,000.00/-). We committee would like to Thank you Mrs. Karma Jangwa McLain and Mr. Partick McLain for your valuable support to Langtangpas. We also like to thank you all donors who supported them. The money was handed to the Treasurer Mr. Finjo Lopchen and Chairman Mr. Temba Lama by Mr. Lhakpa. Below is their link. The Lantang Nepal Karma Fund ( ) Patrick McLain Accent Painting- With best regards, Temba Lama.
2 October – Namaste!
We would like to thank Sandrine Hamelin for her great support for Langtangpas. She has raise some fund from go fund me. Here is her message to Langtangpas.
My friends and I were in Kyanjin Gompa on April 25th. We have waited for rescue near Langtang for a couple of days afterwards. When we got back home we started raising money for Langtang with a Gofundme page called Help Langtang Valley. We have now raised 8512$ CAN (which is approximately 6250$ US) and we think that the most efficient way to use this money in order to help Langtang people would be to send it to your committee.
I don’t think I’m wrong when I speak in the name of all of us who were there during the events and tell you that we think about you guys every single day since. I personnally hope that I can be back someday, be it to help with the reconstruction or to see the beautiful work that you’ll have made.
Best toughts,
Sandrine Hamelin
On behalf of all Langtangpas we committee would are very Thankful to Sandrine Hamelin and people who involved with her in entire fund raising. We Langtangpas have not forgotten your kind support and its little hard but we will make our village raise again. We Langtangpas eyes always fill with tears of happiness because we have such wonderful international community families who love us so much and care about us. Without our international community we will never made up to now. THANK YOU ALL FROM HEART.
With regards, Temba Lama.
2 October 2015 – Dear Friends, today here we announced that Tibetains et peoples de l’ himalaya Association, France has donated 25000€ to committee for rebuilding Langtang. We all committee members would like to Thank you whole team of this association on behalf of all Langtangpas. Our chairman Mr. Temba Lama welcome by offering Tibetan scarfs called Khada to all the members of this organisation who have visited Nepal recently. We committee and I like to thank especially president of this organisation my friend Jeangilles Marin ,Maryse phillibert ,Martin, Jeanfrancoise and all TPH members for concerning about Langtangpas and reconstruction Langtang valley. Thank you Temba Lama Chairman.
23 September 2015 – Few days ago we were visited by His honorable Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche not only in Yellow Gumba camp but also visited Langtang by helicopter to meet our people. Rinpoche came from USA to Nepal just to see Langtangpas. We Langtangpas grace and bless by his honorable Rinpoche. Not only that Rinpoche sponsor one meal to all Langtangpas who were living in Yellow Gumba. Rinpoche came to Nepal because he have raise some fund which was 80000$ and before handing over to Langtang Management and Reconstruction Committee he want to make sure to talk with all Langtangpas living in Yellow Gumba camp. He personally choose few selected people of Langtangpas from camp and ask about how to used raise money and all Langtangpas requested to put on committee account so everyone will get. Now his honorable Rinpoche is still in Nepal after he will travel back to USA. Rinpoche will transfer all fund by end of November 2015. We all Langtangpas are very grateful and very pleased with his honorable Rinpoche, Long live Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche. In future Rinpoche will visit Langtang again.
We are sorry but at last we all Langtangpas like to thank you our Langtang daughter Mrs Orgyan Dolma and her husband Wayne Gramzinski from USA for connecting our community with Rinpoche and not only that they have play very important role for community. THANK YOUR ON BEHALF OF ALL LANGTANGPAS and hope you guys will do more.
Temba Lama Chairman.
19 July 2015 – Dr. Perrinjaquet y Mipsang.
Dr. Mipsang committed to give 70% of his total fund to the LMnRe committee.
We Committee are very happy to announce that the Summit Country Fundraiser fund holder here in Nepal Dr. Mipsang committed to give 70% of his total fund to the LMnRe committee for reconstruction of Langtang villagers houses. 30% of the fund he want to used in field of medical from his own organisation into Rasuwa district. The total fund was $93000.00 and Dr. Mipsang will transfer to LMnRe committe account Rs. 6500000.00 (6.5 millions ruppees) which is around $65000.00. Thank you all the Donors who have contributed to Summit Country Fundraiser in name of Langtang community. It will help us bit and with this money we can rebuild three families house in Langtang Village. Once again please all fundraisers please be with us and we need you. Without everybody help we will never reach our goal of resettlement for 116 families. Slowly if everyone can take part of your role of resettlement we would be very pleased.
See more at:
Thank you very much for our committee members who find out this fundraiser and help to put into our community welfare of Langtang people. Fund has not been transfer but soon it will.