
Thasi Delek!

Namaste and Tashi Delek!

It has not been even a week since we inaugurated the website of LANGTANG DISASTER RELIEF FUND. The result is great, amazing and mind blowing. We would like to thank you for all your love, support, affection and hope for the people of Langtang.

Appreciating you for the donation you have made in these days. Please keep helping us in sharing this post and our web site to let know to the people there about us more importantly showing to these survivors of Langtang that they are not alone.

It is so good to announce that we already have few people, at least 3 people who wants to sponsor the needy child. I can guarantee you that this kind of relationship between the child and the sponsor will make a difference in your life for the better. I personally know that how my life changed 360 degree when I knew Thea & Peter. The love, respect, full of hope that I have for my god mother is out of my explanation.


So once Nepal and the Nepalese people get to take a normal breath, we will start moving the process of sending these little kids who have gone through a lot to the school. They will be taken care very well. And we will always  be there for them. Thank you so much to the people who have already agreed to sponsor a child. We would like to request that if you have the possibility to give little lightness in the life of these beautiful kids please do it.

Please let us have your helping hand. The people of whole Nepal needs it and will need for a long time. Let the bond be stronger each day.

Also a short announcement: We have the Paypal system in our web which will ease you if you want to donate using your Credit Card, Visa, etc.

Than you!

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