In such of a short period of time, the refugees from Yellow Gumpa went from 150 to 400 aprox. They were coming not from Langtang only but from all the villages surrounding as Gumba, Sindum, Mundu o Kianjin Gumpa…
To allocate so many people and to be able to survive during the rainy season there, they had to build temporary infrastructures with bamboo and plastic, get tents and blankets for everyone. They also made toilets and shower baths as it was not enough with the latrines of the monastery for so many people and that was the reason to start having sanitary and hygienic problems as diarrheas, infections, etc. They also used metal plates to build a kitchen.
One of the most important things was to get food, drinkable water and gas daily plus the collection of rubbish and keep the camp clean and tidy. Thanks to the work of all the people involved plus some local NGOs and volunteers cooperation, all those daily tasks were done.
As per my opinion, it is such a good example of coordination in a critical situation, without any governmental help and just taking the most of their own possibilities and wit. That’s the proof that by being together the citizens can get ahead in spite of all the difficulties.